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Dendro Is Hoyoverse's Answer To Power Creep Issue

With the Archons almost complete, the amazing feedback with all of these reactions is surely helping the characters that are not so utilized. Though the shift is not too favorable as always for the characters that were before being utilized, overall the power really spread out. If you are a new reader of this blog and you have no idea on what I am saying you can check out the review of the latest update here.

Dendro is introduced in the major update 3.0 of Genshin Impact. Archon Kusanali or Nahida or whatever her name was not released together with 3.0, the Dendro element can now be used by the Traveler and 2 Dendro characters are released. The Dendro Statue can now be worshiped in Sumeru. We already have Dendro slimes way before the 3.0 update, however none of the characters uses Dendro element, and the elements can not really react to it besides burning. With the update we all have all other reactions for Electro, Hydro and Pyro. With those reactions is another layer of damage besides the normal, Super-Conduct, Electro-Charge, Vaporize, Overload, etc. Another set of reactions meaning it will repurpose everyone in the Electro, Hydro and Pyro Elements. Dendro is like a reset button for those that would fall on those 3 elements.

From the original line up that I have now, I am replacing the shielder Beidou for the Traveler and Yanfei for Barbara. This is to trigger the Elemental Reaction bloom and it is amazing. Anemo can be useful for grouping all the enemies in one spot, Hydro can be more useful to bloom the enemies. I am no longer considering Geo, since Geo constructs are a bit annoying to be honest. Before I couldn't find a use for Barbara, now I can do double healer with Qiqi and the main DPS will be the Shogun.

I can see other uses Thoma to trigger burgeon reaction, I’m not a fan of exploding flowers. Others use other Electro characters to trigger hyperbloom or aggrevate like Shinobo. She is truly a whole package with the Dendro element. She can heal and she can trigger hyperbloom as well, meaning she can do defensive and offensive. I would prefer Bloom because besides the damage triggering it, it will  create pods that will do additional damage when popped. Barbara and Thome were nowhere near to be useful, well Thoma has a weak shield while Barbara poses a threat for cryo and its heal is not that helpful, I would prefer Qiqi for healing. Barbara really can’t damage much, she is a true blue support.

With the emergence of Dendro, a lot of these characters are now relevant. Dendro revived the dying characters sitting in the dust. It equalizes the gameplay of old players. With the Dendro now, players can experiment on different kinds of teams. The national team will have different members now. Though the new characters are very complicated to use like Candace, it's like a female version of C6 Benny without the buff. The interesting part is that players now can experiment, literally with all of these new characters and their amazing talents.Us players need to have to be creative about it. With Nilou, or Tighnari or even Collei, we can utilize these new characters to trigger different effects and different damage sets. It doesn't always have to be in bloom, if you like the elemental reaction like aggravate or burgeon no problem, there will always be a character that can help.

The only left here is what’s next with Fontaine, Natlan and Khen’riah. Will Hoyoverse empower Geo next? There should be improvement with that one though my worry lies that the reactions will be based on the character talents. Hoyoverse is experimenting with Nilou and Candace on their elemental prowess, however, if the reaction will only be generated by a specific character, that will be a problem for Free To Play players.

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