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Raiden Shogun Update - There Is A New Pyro Coming Up

It is a new version update in Genshin Impact and it is a new start as we build the ultimate Raiden Shogun. Ultimate is kind of overrated as we have new characters awaiting for us, but should we pull for Chiori? Or shall we wait for Arlecchino? You know we didn’t build Dheya yet, but this character seems interesting. To be honest, most of the characters that came out lately are pretty interesting. I am torn if I will pull for Arlecchino or for Kazuha. Nauvilette and Kazuha are the characters in the second part of the banners for this upcoming version.

Currently, our Raiden Shogun already has that 2-piece set of bonus for Thundering Fury. It is not that much as of the moment, but we will still make up for our lost chances from last week rolling numerous artifacts for our Raiden Shogun. The target is to have at least Attack Percentage to increase more of our Shogun’s attack.

Our primary team is still composed of the Traveler, Benny, Qiqi and Raiden Shogun. Previously Benny was not in the team. It was Barbara but I think Qiqi is still the best option of healing while attacking and what we really need is Benny’s boost. Since Barbara is mostly healing, we tap her if we need her Hydro Elemental Damage for Pyro based opponents. I think that if ever Melt is triggered there is a tendency that the enemy will be “wet” right? Which for me is a very good detail if Hoyoverse put it in the game. It is not necessarily a Hyrdro Damage but at least the condition was met that the opponent that triggered Melt should be at least wet for a certain period, just like our opinion on Geo and Dendro.

I am thinking of letting this banner pass for the time being. I think Arlecchino will look good with our team. Let's see if we can get her on her banner. While waiting we will continue to push to level our Claymore friends like Dehya,  Freminet and Dilluc. Especially Freminet, I think he has a good animation and has a faster attack speed than any other Claymore characters. I don’t include Dehya as she punches, she doesn't use the Claymore on her animations. Besides, I don’t see an actual use of her blood bond thing on her skills. She suddenly dies to be honest.

Arlecchino is a Pyro character so I still enjoy the Overload effect. I enjoy something that explodes so I think Raiden and Arelcchino will make a good team with Kujou Sara and Benny. I just hope her materials would not be that hard to get. To where it will be in the map that we still need to find out. Probably a new “Chasm” would open somewhere or a new Fontaine area connecting to Scheznaya? That would be an exciting turn but we still need to catch up and I think I only have Mondstadt that has 100% exploration percentage which I want for Liyue as well I hope.

So for our next adventure we are looking for Attack Percentage so we can up the attack of Raiden Shogun and let’s complete the Thundering Fury set and let’s donate the Noblesse to other characters. Once there is another Raiden Shogun run, let's pull for her signature weapon so I can leave this Jade Spear to Xiao if we have him next time around.

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