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League Of Legends: Will We Reach Master As The Season Ends

A review is probably no longer needed for popular games, whether my review is good or bad players that loved them would still play them. The case of popular games, especially MOBA games, they already have a player base that really plays on a regular basis. Though as a player myself after a year or so some mechanics go sideways.

MOBA or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. Where you pick a certain hero or champion to use and you will go on a 5 vs. 5 Battle. The objective is to destroy the enemy base. It would depend on the hero and the role you choose the success of the battle. The only catch here is the matchmaking.

Other MOBA games do not suggest the role, however League of Legends, would allow you to choose a role and will suggest heroes for that role. Though I prefer to choose my own role well I think suggesting the hero for that role would be helpful. I am talking about Mobile Legends and League Of Legends, the two prominent MOBA games around.

Mobile Legends will match you on whoever player is available. Meaning even without setting a role the game will match you with other players. Flexibility like this has pros and cons in some instances. You already have a marksman already in the team and someone still picks a marksman where you need a Tank. That can be critical in the whole match because you don't have someone for your defense. Though it is not always that bad if both of the marksmen are good and I guess your firepower is your best defense, the only problem is when isolated.

Matchmaking and Roles

League of Legends on the other hand, you can set the role you want to pick and will match you on players that need that role. You only need to worry about how good your team is to pick the role. League of Legends also can suggest who are the usual champions that can perform that role. They are not categorized but the champions are in the top pool of your screen. 

This role picking coincides with the whole process of champion picking and banning. You will pre pick a champion according to the role you choose, then you will ban. Each player has to ban one champion. The catch is that you don’t know the champions that the opposite side bans. Once revealed if your champion was banned the champion will not be selectable in the top pool and you just have to pick another champion.

The system works for me basically,  simply because you are free to ban any champion that your team did not pick. The critical is the pre-pick since if one of your teammates did not pre-pick a champion there is a chance that the champion he wants to pick will be banned. Though the other members will not technically take blame for banning a champion that a teammate was supposed to be picking because the player did not pre pick. Though the pre-pick and banning should not be an issue if everything is in place, the role that you pick should be followed since it was your choice even before you start matchmaking that is why I love it.


League of Legends has pretty much the same mechanics like any other MOBA around. League of Legends is one of the pioneers released in 2009 but these concepts came from a Warcraft mod called Dota AllStars, then that was the start of it in the mid 2000s the start of the MOBA revolution. You destroy the enemy base and you win. Though before that you need to eliminate the external defense composed of 3 turrets in 3 lanes. The mid, the dragon lane and the baron lane, though sometimes for other MOBA they called it Top, Mid, Bot for Bottom. It is pretty much the same except League of Legends has fog of war and wards. Different from the popular rival, which relies on the sight range of the hero, turrets and minions. League of Legends though has given you the opportunity to strategize where you can put wards everywhere in the map, with 2 maximum numbers of wards and has cooldown.

The Competition

Though DOTA 2 was the most popular on PC for our Asian friends because of its forefathers, League Of Legends has a player base in the Western and European regions. With the emergence of Mobile Gaming, Mobile Legends was released at the right time. League of Legends Wild Rift is still an infant in the Mobile Gaming genre but the player base recognized the game and the community that they usually loved.

Like I already mentioned in the last post, I was able to adapt to the rhythm of the clashes in League of Legends. Seems like we are just dancing during clashes, it was just not a one time clash and you don’t know what happened. I can see what is happening during and after the clash. Since I am a support, I am not supposed to be the center of the clash, but the enemy chose me as the first target until I became the middle of it all.

I really don’t mind the in-game purchases as of the moment since there are still free items. It all boils down to the skills. I am currently using Seraphine and Pantheon if Seraphine was banned. It is crazy that Support was being banned. Occasionally I do use Luxxy and it usually goes sideways.

Watch my Let’s Play videos on our Youtube channel and here I play Luxy here, a day with a Wild Rift Noob. Go subscribe to my channel and view more on our Linxx App Page.

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