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What Will You Do If You Have A Shiny New Uniform In Marvel Future Fight

As we all know the upcoming update for Marvel Future Fight is from the Shang-Chi movie. Which is pretty exciting because Shang-Chi is pretty terrible to be honest. To upgrade him to a whole new level, you will be buying his latest uniform. 

Buying the newest uniform is really a burden for Free To Play players even if it is discounted at 40% on the release day, that would mean they need to farm for at least 6 weeks to buy one discounted uniform.

If you want to see the required uniforms for your uniform you can check out this list. This will help you plan your purchases.

The good with these sheets, is that you can also see a reversed uniform upgrade. Meaning which uniforms require your purchased uniform.

It is also good to know that the requirements on the Rare and Mythic grades are usually the important ones.

In Rare it is where the Physical attack and Energy Attack sit the same with the Mythic grade.

Good thing Netmarble has put either a useless uniform or Crystal wall or Native Tier-2 uniform. Which is one you will not probably buy or two it is hard to upgrade.

The perfect example is the uniform of War Machine 3099. The requirement of the rare grade is Scarlet Witch Infinity War uniform. I did not purchase the uniform yet because as of now I am still in the process of upgrading my War Machine 3099 uniform to Mythic.

Another example is Daredevil’s Fall From Grace uniform, the Rare grade requires Iceman’s uniform. Which is a Crystal Wall character. It will be a burden to be honest.

Bear in mind Tier-2 uniforms have much higher cost and you need different grades of Black Anti-matter to max out.

Since we already have a lot of uniformed characters, as much as possible upgrade them to Mythic and if possible to purchase the Rare and Mythic uniforms if possible.

Besides Shang-Chi uniforms we will not buy any other uniforms moving forward. Not sure how good the next update is but let’s see in the coming sneak peek. If it's not we will skip everything and continue to upgrade the existing uniforms.

We already completed Moon Knight but still need some upgrading on the required uniforms and I am also looking at Amadeus Cho’s uniform so we can move forward with Proxima Midnight. Since Cho is one of my strong Combat characters that can go toe to toe with Proxima. I will try to update this list and create my own copy of this. Thank you to the reddit members having the time to create this.

In the next post What will you do if you already unlocked Knull?

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