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The Sumeru Update Has Started - Is Dendro A Good Upgrade For The Traveller?

The Eagle has landed in Genshin Impact and the Viridescent Vigil has started. I will not deny that I want to have Zhong Li on my team so I wished for 10 pulls that’s with the 600 Primogems that you will get for updating the game. I got Diona. Now that I have a Constellation 1 Diona, we will start the Sumeru update with 4 Primogems.

Skipping all pre-requisites I went to Sumeru, and went straight away to the Statue of The Seven and resonate with Dendro Element. First I am very pleased with the Elemental Reactions, there are a lot actually. The Dendro Reactions are step by step reactions of different elements and I thought it would be a healing bloom, but it's not, the reactions are more on the offensive side.

It is really good news that Dendro Element is an offensive element for the Traveler. This was my worry at first that the Blooms would somehow be a healing shroom but it's not, with the correct element reaction, you have a nuker Traveler.

Dendro has a ton of reactions to 3 major elements, Electro, Hydro and Pyro. Reaching a certain reaction would then create another Elemental Reaction that will give a different damage. I am still testing my damage in different monsters but my most favorites are on the mechanical ones and to those Field Tillers.

For now I will go with the Elemental Mastery for the moment to test the actual damage on the reactions created by Dendro Element. As you can see in this group of Fatuis, they are not spared of the wrath of my blooms.

I am testing this on Oceanid and Geovishap and on the Wolf, though I am not sure if we can have any reaction on the Wolf since it is Cryo and Anemo. It could react if Beidou and Yan Fei would have put status on the Wolf, otherwise, we can’t bloom our shrooms on the wolf. Note that once the shrooms pop it will have lesser damage since our Traveler has no Dendro bonus damage. Only the reactions would have a different damage which goes with our Elemental Mastery. So far with this kind of damage, it is actually not bad, but still there is some room for improvement.

I am also catching up with the quest that gives you a free Collie. Now that I am almost up against Signora, I want to finish the prerequisites before it ends. Here’s my plan to catch up with Collie.

  • I need to Ascend Traveler

  • End Signora or probably the Archon Quest if ever

  • Finish the Yelan Quest in Chasm

 Not exactly which quest will specifically unlock it but let’s see and hope I will be able to unlock her, I plan not to wish for any character and try my luck on the dreaded weapon banner. I struggle with polearms, I guess my last good polearm is with Rosaria already, it has a cryo option so it makes sense right? But for the Queen of Eternity and our Master Chef and our resident Discount Boy, I have no better polearm, but if Hoyoverse would give me any 5-star polearm would do.

I need better weapons and for crying out loud, artifacts! I guess Hoyoverse punished me by not buying anything yet.

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