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Blog Update: The Rise Of Web3 Technology

New month new updates coming besides the eSports news going on the blog, since I already started investing with Cryptocurrencies and NFTs we will be adding these topics here in the blog. Crypto and gaming is not that far in this time and age and we already started covering it before we will just intensify the coverage of these topics in the coming weeks.

If you are following me on my Twitter and Linxx App page or if you are a regular in this blog, you know that we feature and we keep on tweeting the Tower Defense game and I also started the proliferation of the knowledge about NFTs and Blockchain games. Earning from gaming is really a thing at this point of time. Where Web3 technologies and Metaverses are on the rise, Blockchain games are like mushrooms that grow everywhere, every day. Harboring people around the world to support the game, staking the cryptocurrency that go with it. Some games can be staked to speed the progress some can be played free to play but with some minor differences. In the coming weeks more and more games and gaming platforms that we will share and review to all of you.

The main concern of players is the value of every crypto currency in each game, with that we can feature more resources about investing as well. We will still be focused on the games that go along with this Crypto Craze. With the games that are backed with the Blockchain System, NFTs is another part of it that we will feature in the blog. We will feature or have them in our news section about new games or platforms that can be utilized to earn additional money with the current games that you are playing. It Is very important to know new games coming up that can be played and earn on that game eventually.

The blog will now utilize affiliate links that will help this blog a lot. As you all know we have already been running ads for quite some time now. Now we will run some affiliate links in the blog. This is to add revenue on the blog, this will eventually help us improve more on the content that we are serving to you guys.

The affiliate links that we will be serving you guys are from Clickbank. Clickbank is the largest affiliate network around. Though not all of the links are affiliates there are still normal links that are linked to authority websites or websites where the information is originated. Let’s give the credit to whom the credit is due. Normally I get some of the news on other blogs and vlogs around the internet, and I will give my own opinion about it. Affiliate links are links to products or services that when you purchase an item of your interest I get a small commission on using my link.

The interest of players and enthusiasts are more hyped than ever because of these NFTs and Crypto. The people see a chance to earn just by playing with these technologies. My experience so far is not that easy learning the ropes so it is better to start it today. We have an introductory article on that and you can access it here

NFTs, Blockchain and Crypto are more relevant than ever. It has already begun that people jump on every game or system that has the Play-To-Earn tagline and sign up when they see it for free. There is still a catch in each one of them so it is right for you to know every corner or every inch of what you will invest into. Exciting times ahead!


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