How To Manage A City - Try A Pixel Game Called Dream Town Story
We featured a game by Kairosoft and we did not review the game yet. We only feature it since we created a town full of Marvel characters. One of the features of the game is to be able to change the name of your citizen. Then I created a town full of Marvel characters.
This is DreamTown Story.
I am really not playing God. I am more of a Mayor of the town. I give the citizens what they need and everybody is happy.I am not sure if they are really an indie company since they already have games intended for Nintendo Switch. Well with that big of a platform you should not consider yourself indie. Having 3 platforms on your folio is pretty big to be honest especially if one of them is for Nintendo Switch.
Dream Town Story is a city building simulation game. Where you will create a town for your citizens to fulfill their dreams. In the beginning you will have a single resident and you will build establishments that you search in the shop. There are 4 categories of establishments you can build, it is Environment, Facility, Industry A and Industry B.
In the Environment category is where you build the roads and you put the foundation of a house for your incoming resident. Basically you put an empty lot, meaning this will be a space reserved for your residents. The entrance of a house or an establishment should be facing a road.
Next is the facilities, these are not necessarily buildings. Facilities are composed of plants, parks and buildings that either earn gold or earn a tourist ticket. One of the important buildings is the office building, this is where your residents earn money. The money that they earn depends on the money that their job dictates. Jobs are upgraded from time to time, the higher the job level the higher the salary. The higher the salary the more savings your resident has, the more savings, the more money they can spend on shops. The more your resident spends, the higher the revenue.
Industry A are the common shops. This is where your starting establishment will come from. From pet shops to bakeries and cell shops, you name it. In these shops your resident can either spend or earn as part time. If you say part time, your resident will not earn that much, much lower than the assigned job salary. Sometimes you will get some balloons from a house meaning your resident wishes that the Office Building is much closer to his or her house. Industry B on the other hand are the huge establishments, from Theme Parks, Zoo, TV Station, to the grand Palace. Similar functions of Industry A establishments these buildings take up a lot of blocks of your land.
Every building you can get a pet, a ride or a treasure. If your resident discovers treasures in your shops that go along with the treasure of other shops, it can unlock a new job. If they discover a ride, they can use those to go farther around the town. You can see your resident riding a robot or riding an ostrich, or an elephant. Pets are more aesthetic. It is just fun to see your resident walking around town with a pet. You can see your resident bringing an elephant or a jellyfish to work.
Each resident has 4 dreams, 3 of which are the establishments that they want to visit and one dream job. If your resident is in their house, sometimes you will see a bubble saying that they need to have a job change, if you discover enough jobs you might discover his dream job. You can either wait for your resident to wonder about a job change or you can initiate it. There is this menu called jobs, where it works like a Bingo card, if you have completed everyone on that set, you will have a beautiful prize. I already completed one and the reward was a castle.
The trick is to earn a lot of gold and survive every year so you can buy lands and expand your town scope. Every land that you buy there is a Challenge need to accomplish. If you completed that quest then the land is yours.
There are also 3 currencies in the game, the diamond, the gold and the Kairo Pts. The Kairo pts are special. You can buy important things with it. Two of which are Bulldozer and Endorsement.
As your resident visits shops it acquires experience points to level up your rank. The rank affects how many residents you can acquire and the maximum culture points you can have. The culture points can be used to research the buildings for your town. To move on to the next rank, you will be challenged. You will go against a random player or AI and you will have a battle. Your 5 high level buildings against the buildings of your opponent. Once you defeat your opponent, you can advance to the next rank and the number of residents will increase, you will be rewarded with a diamond as well. By default you can only have up to level 30, you need the Bulldozer to add 10 more levels.
There are also limits to how many establishments you can put in your town. Once the limit is reached you need to research that establishment or building in the shop. Endorsement will give you 2 additional allowable buildings that can be built after the max. If your Pet Shop is at level 3 you are allowed to build 3 Pet Shops in your town, if you buy Endorsement you can own 5 Pet Shops.
Better stack up your Kairo Points early on to have enough once you already need to buy those 2 key items.
To be honest, the game is very therapeutic to me. I enjoy seeing my residents going back and forth from their house to the establishment they visit. I enjoy seeing them fall in love and get married. If your resident started as a child, as they level they grew to adults so they can be capable of moving to the jobs they deserve. The game is really enjoyable and relaxing to me that is why I stayed and I am already on rank 33. Meaning I already used a Bulldozer. The catch in the game is that as you use or purchase a shop the value of the shop grows plus the land price. A game is a game if the game challenges you, it is really a strategy to earn more so that you can provide better shops and discover more jobs that are important to your residents.
I truly recommend this game if you just want to relax. No pressure, the game find its way to earn, it is just good to strategize where to put the shops early on especially if you are already expanding. The rest just relax and enjoy your residents to grow.
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