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The Next Spiderman Is Miles Morales Already? - Who Will Be Your MEU Miles?

It is still All Marvel All Month of April. If you still did not catch any of the previous posts, please head to the homepage to catch everything Marvel this month. We have reviews on Marvel Super War, we have reviews on the X-Men anime series and tips so if you still did not catch those it is all over the homepage. I still get enough on the Spiderman No Way Home when Electro and his Spiderman, Andrew Garfield, talked about a “Black” Spiderman. Who else is that “Black” Spiderman? Miles Morales.

Of course they did not mean the Black Suit of Spiderman, but rather it is no other than Miles Morales. Who could fit the bill in the role of Miles Morales? There were already speculations that Jaden Smith is casted as Miles Morales. If you don’t know who Jaden Smith is, he is the son of the Award Winning actor Will Smith. He already starred on several movie projects with his dad like Karate Kid and After Earth just to name the few. Jaden Smith is not really new when in terms of acting however is he physically ready. As you all know Spiderman's role is physically demanding. I don’t know how many swings of Spiderman are real, but Tom Holland actually does his own stunts. Spiderman is one character that is really being beaten up massively in all of his movies so I am not sure how Jaden Smith will be an effective Spiderman.

Where do they have these speculations? In an interview with Will Smith with PopTime, he said, “My son is preparing himself physically and mentally to get a place as one of the characters who will make history for the first time in the saga of a movie that many already know and ask for.” 

It seems like his son is preparing for a major role, however there is this phrase “to get a place”. He is auditioning? There is no confirmation whatsoever, if that will be a Spiderman movie but there is this “saga”, it can not be a Lord of The Rings right? It can be Star Wars, a spinoff movie of Finn. It can possibly be Spiderman. Though there were fans that were critical to these New Spiderman movies in the future. 

There are fans that are raving about Jaden, there are fans that are really critical about the cast. They are suggesting a new contender to this role. Caleb McLaughlin of Stranger Things is the one that fans are suggesting. That is totally possible and for me Caleb has a potential to be Miles Morales too. He is also good in acting since we know that being a Spiderman can be very emotional.

With that cryptic message of Will Smith and what fans are saying, the choices are so on point! They both suit the mantle of Spiderman screenwise, I can not disagree on that however Caleb seems to be fit physically wise. Jaden I think is a bit thin, though the father confirmed he is preparing physically, it’s not impossible.

No confirmations yet, about what movie Jaden is preparing too and if the other people audition for it or if there is already an audition for it. For whatever is worth, as a fan of all Marvel, it all lies on how Marvel will insert Miles in the MEU. If you look back on Infinity War you don’t know why Nebula is the one remaining with Stark. Until it all makes sense in Endgame. Nebula is the one that gives way to Thanos to the current Timeline. She has this brain connected to the network of Thanos that they can access anytime. She is the only one capable of treachery because of the desire to look good in the eyes of his father Thanos.

The cast will be all secondary to the story that would tell the sequence on how Miles Morales will fit in the MEU timeline. Whoever Marvel would cast as Miles Morales will surely be good, I remember how they casted Kamala Khan! It fits right in, right?

Phase 4 is still not finished and we still have not heard anything about Miles Morales live action. This waiting is still very young. There is still a lot to tell and a lot of Easter Eggs to crack before we can finally see Miles Morales in the MEU timeline. It will be a clapping moment in the cinemas if we see how Miles Morales finally appears.

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