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Daredevil And Other 'Defenders' Series No Longer With Netflix

There is this one friend that watched Spiderman: No Way Home explaining: who is that blind lawyer in the movie? It will be easier to explain if he will just show you that the “blind attorney” in No Way Home is actually the actor in the Netflix Series Daredevil. However you can no longer easily show that to your friend that the actor in the Netflix series is the same guy in No Way Home because Netflix took down the series already on their platforms.

Yes, Netflix already took down all Defenders series on the platform because they are going back to their home. I am not the expert when it comes to rights over characters or talents but would it mean that the rights are back to Marvel? Back with Disney? The No Way Home cameo is not a mistake, it is a preview of which heroes are coming in the increasing family of MCU heroes.

Before No Way Home, Kevin Feige already confirms that Charlie Cox is the Daredevil of the MCU and we see in the movie that he is indeed the lawyer fixing the mess of Peter Parker. 

Yes Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, The Punisher, and The Defenders are all streaming where they really belong. All of these series can now be streamed on Disney+. Will it be the last appearance of Matt Murdock in No Way Home?

Phase 4 of the MCU is increasingly exciting everyday, a load of easter eggs being discovered, I am very certain that each character has a grand entrance to the MCU. The stories from the comics embodied in MCU for no surprise have entirely different storylines but close on how it was told in the comics. It is common knowledge that Moon Knight has some encounters with the Devil of Hell Kitchen. There can be possibilities but the unpredictability of MCU is the main product that they are selling to the fans.

Daredevil is a very versatile character, he teamed up with Spider-man, Luke Cage, Elektra, White Tiger, and She-Hulk which is also announced that will be included in Phase 4. The possibilities are endless for our blind vigilante but when did the MCU disappoint us? (Probably in Eternals) With the path that Marvel gave us in Endgame and the introduction of the Eternals, fans would have thought that we are all going to space. With the discovery that the Ten Rings in Shang-Chi are beacons, of an unknown character, how can the upcoming heroes battle something from Space.Also note that Nick Fury is out of Earth, and he was replaced with Skrulls. 

The versatility of Daredevil’s character in the comics will give a lot of options to create an amazing introduction for Daredevil. What doesn’t add up is why acquiring the series from Netflix? Will that be a continuation or will it set the expectation not to confuse the fans about the storyline. Marvel has always been particular about the screen relevance of the artist portraying a hero. If they did not take the series from Netflix, and their actor is Charlie Cox, there might be a confusion for the newer fans to relate the actor on the Netflix series rather than stay focused on the story that MCU has to tell.

Exciting times again in the MCU and Daredevil is just the wick of the candle and will continue to light until we see the episodes of Moon Knight. With Daredevil in the rosters of the MCU heroes sooner or later we will see the announcement from Hall H to when we can see The Daredevil.

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