We Are Live - We Are Streaming And Another Blog Update
It’s been a while since I last made a blog post here but I am back! I just added a new arsenal to our gamesphere!
I'm streaming games now!
Never thought I would be engaged in something like this. The streaming platform really takes me out of my comfort zone but I am really engaged with the community of streamers and the warmth acceptance has been beneficial so far.
It is really not monetary.
The pandemic put you in a situation where you can not interact with other people and streaming gives you a thousand back. A whole community of streamers all over the world!
The experience is surreal, the community is warm, they help you a lot, they boost your confidence. The community support has been amazing!
Currently, I am actively streaming in Facebook Gaming. You can find my humble page here.
If you are into the games that I play, you can follow the page here so you can be notified whenever I go live.
Baby steps we will get there.
I am currently streaming Call Of Duty: Mobile and some MOBA games on Android. Currently, I am not strategizing anything in terms of growth in the platform. I am enjoying the community and the experience of being a streamer.
No strategy yet, but I wanted to be more consistent about the game I play. When I feel nostalgic I play old PlayStation games. When I got hooked with other Free To Play games on other platforms I tried to play those on my machine. Though that is not always the case as I am using a non-gamer laptop.
This is how raw it can get!
Then when I discover it is not that easy being a streamer, there is a lot of equipment that you really need and that includes your gaming machine set up. I am not that easily turned down, I don’t need any upgrades yet since I am streaming via mobile.
The target now is to grow the Youtube Channel! If you’ve been for a while you can support me by subscribing to the channel.
I will be putting a lot of content to that channel and probably have to go live sometimes feeling the vibe.
Do not be confused about what I do on my Youtube Channel and on Facebook Gaming. I stream multiplayer games on Facebook Gaming and on my Youtube Channel I am reviewing some aspects of the game I play and will upload soon some ARPG contents.
For now, I will be streaming games on Facebook gaming and then create content for other games I play on my Youtube Channel.
There is a huge amount of planning involved in this bold move. I will be posting more about this here as well.
Now that planning and strategies are involved this includes this blog. I am very excited that I will be writing stuff again! Designing and more!
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