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Who To Build Next In Marvel Future Fight? After War Machine Next Is Shang-Chi

We are back on track in Marvel Future Fight, and we finally got War Machine Tier-3.

After a long wait War Machine is our First Blast Type T3 Build. Even our Iron Man is not yet Tier-3.

Technically it was Star-Lord, our very first T3 Blast Type character but we did not build the character from the ground up; it was a result of the completion of the Epic Quest.

Why War Machine? 

We love underdogs and the queen Sharon Rogers still sits on her throne as queen and War Machine will be one of his royal subjects.

A famous man said, even if the uniform did not live up to the hype, the beautiful array of missiles and beams is enough.

We share the same astonishment on the arsenal War Machine has for us in this update. With that I will again challenge myself to have less spending on Gold maybe until Shang-chi arrives.

Shang-Chi The Legend of The Ten Rings is just around the corner and I am loving the smell of this update so I will prepare enough crystals and enough gold to prepare Shang-chi to be upgraded.

The character really needs some major overhaul and rework. He is an amazing character in the comics; he joined forces with Daredevil, Misty Knight and the Avengers!

In the game, who does not love a powerful Combat Type right?

You really got to love those combat type characters so we will prepare the way upon his arrival. Actually it is just in time since I already have a Tier-3 War Machine I can focus on with Shang-Chi from now onwards.

Though I pre-build him up to Tier-2, it is still a long way to run for our Asian hero. We still need to upgrade his potential and level him up. Which means it will require some biometrics.

Biometrics that can be farmed in Shadowland, Epic Quests and Alliance Battle.

All are paid in Gold, yes every upgrade and level up requires Gold. That’s what this post is for to challenge myself to spend less and see how much we can put up on this challenge.

We are starting at the 25,000 gold mark and today August 24 up until Shang-chi update arrives let’s see how much we can raise and also it means Shang-chi will remain Tier-2 level 60 and on the day Shang-chi arrives we will try to upgrade and level Shang-chi up.

We also have enough crystals to buy a Shang-chi uniform but that would be all that we will be spending and just save crystals for the next months as I have a feeling that a new Epic Quest is coming.

I am not sure about my guts but I have a feeling that there will be an Epic Quest. I hope it is not a Shang-chi Epic quest but if the update is coming from a  movie it is usually a Legendary Battle.

Hoping that this upcoming update will be a blast!


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